18 Reasons to Use Social Media

Social media is not the end-all, be-all of your business. It’s not the magic bullet that will allow you to take a struggling business to the height of success simply by claiming your Twitter account. But what social media can do is make you a better company by allowing you to listen, react and build faster and more efficiently than ever before. Below you’ll find 18 quick reasons that your SMB may want to get involved in social media. These are the benefits you can achieve faster in social media than most other mediums.

Is this a complete list? Not by a long shot. But perhaps it will demonstrate the power of these channels and why social media is far more than simply “playing on your computer.”

Follow the ‘via’ link if you’d like to read the 18 reasons. Comment or ‘connect’ to discuss how this applies to you and your organization if you have trouble with the implementation…

How to Use Facebook’s “Merge Duplicate Pages” Feature to Gain Fans

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Your official Facebook Page may not be getting all the fans it deserves because users are accidentally Liking unofficial community Pages with the same name. These missing fans cost you news feed impressions and clicks and ad targeting opportunities. Fortunately, Facebook now offers the “Merge duplicate pages” tool to allow you to roll fans from duplicate community Pages into your official Page.

In the full version of this article found in the Facebook Marketing Bible, we discuss why using the tool is important, how to use it to gain new fans, how to eliminate other duplicate pages, and how to properly greet the new fans of your Page to prime them for future engagement.

Comment or ‘connect’ to discuss how this applies to you and your organization…

5 Practical Tips for Getting More from Facebook


You can follow the ‘via’ link above if you want more great ideas from John Jantsch on the topic of Facebook pages. Comment or ‘connect’ so we can talk about how this applies to your organization…

How social media shaped my startup

Brian Solis, a public relations executive, aut...

Image via Wikipedia

Entrepreneurs like myself are faced with many challenges today. This is my story of how I’ve learned to address our marketing barrier – or, as I call it, the Brian Solis barrier.

We are two young, highly motivated, internet junkies entrepreneurs and we are both first time founders. Another important thing is that we are both tech geeks and software engineers. This last one is extremely important because it explains why our first instinct (after we had a kick ass idea) was to start writing code.  Luckily for us I stumbled upon Brian’s blog as we started coding day and night.My name is Tomer Tagrin and I’m a first time founder of a new Internet startup name Yotpo. In three words, our startup is a distributer of User Reviews ; I know it’s a bit vague, but with a quick search you could understand exactly what it’s about.

As I spent hours reading almost every blog post and posts from other top A blogs (David Cancel, OnStartups and much more) I realized something – something which truly changed how our startup is run, developed and spends money. I came to an understanding that what we’re doing isn’t rocket science, and we aren’t building a new technology for voice recognition. Don’t get me wrong, our algorithms and system are really complex, but it’s nothing that other motivated entrepreneurs throughout the world couldn’t do.

So, we have a technology barrier that in my opinion in the Internet of 2011 it’s just not enough. I remember talking with my co-founder, Omri, and we thought, “Boy, if Brian Solis was part of our team it would be the best thing Yotpo can achieve.” I know you think it sounds corny and a bit shallow but think of it as the Brian Solis barrier, and what exactly is the Solis barrier?

This is why I shared this content with you. And, this is what I hope you will do as a result of reading it. Comment below or ‘connect’ above to discuss how this applies to you and your organization…

Getting Started With LinkedIn

So you heard that a company called LinkedIn just went public, and want to find out just what the hype is all about and how you can use it? TNW is here to get you up and running on LinkedIn before this very day is over.

LinkedIn is a social network, research tool, and job platform for professionals, although the site’s draw has been bringing in a more diverse group of users in recent months, including many still in university.

The site was founded in late 2002, launched in early 2003, and now claims more than 100 million members to its name in over 200 countries. In short, for the educated working person, LinkedIn is a website in which having a profile is quickly becoming mandatory.

More to the point, as use of the site has grown, and as the willingness of its users to upload increasing amounts of personal information has risen, a person’s profile on LinkedIn is slowly morphing into a living resume of their work that is, for the most part, generally accessible.

Let’s hop into the fun, but before we get you into the site we need to talk about how you are going to use LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the oldest, and in many ways, the least popular of the ‘Holy Trinity’ of social media [Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn]. You can follow the ‘via’ link above to start rocking LinkedIn if you’ve been left behind…

Richard Branson on ‘Social’ Relations

People no longer want to be sold to; they want companies to help them find an informed way to buy the right product or service at the right price. They still watch ads, but often online rather than on TV, and they’re much more likely to view ads that friends have recommended. When something goes wrong with a product, they want to be able to reach the company instantly and get a quick solution.

How companies adapt to this energetic and sometimes chaotic world will define their future success. The website, Facebook page, blog and Twitter feed are no longer add-ons to a business’s communication budget: They should be central to its marketing strategy, and used in coordination with other marketing efforts.

As a first step in addressing your problem, make sure your site is set up not just to handle transactions, but also for communication – and that when customers leave comments or send emails your team always follows up. Depending on the channels you choose, this might mean helping your customer service staff adapt to new methods of communicating. Once they have, you must continue to keep in touch with customers yourself.

In the past, I would ask Virgin customers to write to me with problems or ideas, and I often called people to talk about the problems that came up. It was a great way to check on our businesses’ quality and standards – though many of the complainants believed one of their friends was playing a practical joke on them. To this day, I try to answer as many e-mails as I can and encourage our executives to do the same.

Beyond customer service, you may need to consider that the old divisions between advertising, marketing and public relations have broken down, so it’s time to review how your marketing team works. Virgin Atlantic recently created a Social Relations team to manage the combined media space and to make sure our sites and communications are current and interesting, maintaining the cheeky flair that characterizes the brand.

You can follow the ‘via’ link above to go to the source if you’d like to read the rest of Richard Branson’s perspective. Comment below or ‘connect’ above so we can talk about how this applies to your business…

Class Of 2011: If Social Media Were a High School

Facebook Rolls Out Major Upgrades To Ad System

Comment below or ‘connect’ above so we can talk about how this applies to your business…

Why Groupon’s Super Bowl Ad Was So Offensive

One of the world’s most revered cultures and religious histories has been threatened with death and extinction in Tibet for decades at the hands of the authoritarian Chinese government; Groupon’s Super Bowl advertisement about Tibet (below) was based on a joke drastically reducing the seriousness of that suffering. Not all hope is lost, the ad says, because at least there are still refugees that will cook discounted food for White people! Many people on Twitter reacted very negatively to the ad. This is my best explanation why it was offensive. Not everyone agrees – we’ve got a debate going in comments below which we invite you to participate in.

Imagine spending $3 million dollars to wreck your brand. What did you think about the commercial?

Using Billboard To Advertise

Outdoor advertising is a low budget and effective way of advertising a company’s product. Among the entire methods billboard advertising is the most sort after method, which has been proven to be the best sales strategy in the recent times. Nearly 5.6 billion dollar was spent on billboard advertising alone, in the year 2006, as analyzed by Outdoor Advertising Association of America.

Billboard advertising is the best bet in outdoor advertising and isn’t that costly. And with the amount of exposure the product gets the money is worth it. In the past few years several factors have triggered billboard advertising and cost effectiveness being one of the prime reasons. One of the reasons being if an ad is placed in the local newspaper or a television channel the advertisement gets noticed for only thirty seconds and when the same advertisement is placed on billboard, it gets noticed through out the day, for months. Thousands of people view billboard everyday on their way to jobs or home, it doesn’t get lost in the pages like an advertisement placed in a newspaper or magazine. There is a frequent and continuous delivery of message. No other advertising method can grab the attention of people like billboard advertising. It creates brand awareness and strong name recognition.

One of the reasons behind the cost being low is technology. In the early years the billboards were hand-painted due to which the labor cost was high. Now, advertisers design and print their advertisements on a huge poster board or vinyl board by a computer-aided printer, which is very cost effective. Creativity can be achieved to the highest extent, with ease and less money. The brighter, colorful, creative the advertisement is, the more eye-catching it is. With the advancements in technology, it takes very less time to design billboards with unlimited possibilities.

At Jag, Inc., we take a unique approach to Outdoor Advertising by combining it with websites and social media online. Comment below or ‘connect’ above so we can talk about how this applies to your business…